Product Details
Linear Xenon Tube

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Two general purpose high quality flash tubes with straight sealed glass envelopes. One tube is designed to give high energy flashes at a low rate and the other to give low energy flashes at a fast rate. (On both types, faster flash rates are possible with lower energy and life will be considerably extended).Specifications: 
High energy Fast rate 
Minimum anode voltage: 220V 180V 
Maximum anode voltage: 350V 400V 
Nominal anode voltage: 320V 350V 
Maximum energy 
input per flash: 25Ws* 0· 3Ws* 
Maximum flash rate at 
maximum input power: 6/min 60/min 
Life with max energy and 
max flash rate: 5000 1 million 
flashes flashes 
Minimum trigger voltage: 4kV 4kV 
Dimensions: 35mm long x 3· 7mm dia.
*Ws = Watt seconds